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Why Malaysia Has Stayed Quiet But Firm On Its South China Sea Stance

Why Malaysia has stayed quiet but firm on its South China Sea stance


Malaysia has long maintained a neutral stance on the South China Sea dispute, despite having a stake in the contested waters. This stance has been consistent under both the previous Barisan Nasional government and the current Pakatan Harapan government.

There are a number of reasons for Malaysia's neutral stance. First, Malaysia has good relations with both China and the United States, the two main players in the South China Sea dispute. Second, Malaysia is keen to avoid getting embroiled in a conflict that could potentially escalate into a wider war.

Recent developments

In recent years, however, Malaysia has taken a more assertive stance on the South China Sea dispute. This is due in part to the increasing assertiveness of China in the region, as well as the growing support for the United States among Southeast Asian countries.

In 2016, Malaysia joined the United States and other countries in condemning China's construction of artificial islands in the South China Sea. Malaysia has also increased its military presence in the region, and has conducted joint exercises with the United States and other countries.

Malaysia's position

Despite its more assertive stance, Malaysia has continued to maintain that it is not taking sides in the South China Sea dispute. Malaysia's position is that it supports a peaceful resolution to the dispute, and that all parties should abide by international law.

Malaysia's position is consistent with the position of other Southeast Asian countries, which have also called for a peaceful resolution to the dispute. Malaysia is also a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which has adopted a policy of non-interference in the South China Sea dispute.


Malaysia's neutral stance on the South China Sea dispute is a reflection of its desire to maintain good relations with both China and the United States, and to avoid getting embroiled in a conflict that could potentially escalate into a wider war.

However, Malaysia has also taken a more assertive stance in recent years, in response to the increasing assertiveness of China in the region. Malaysia's position is that it supports a peaceful resolution to the dispute, and that all parties should abide by international law.
